18 February 2010 - CNY Celebrations
I would like to skip how I celebrate CNY with my family because its the same for me every year and that its extremely ordinary to the extent that I bet you would know how a typical CNY is like.
so I would just like to blog about how I celebrate with my buddies instead, and because of that, I'm deprived of sleep totally.
CNY Day 1
Cards @ BH's house till midnight
CNY Day 2 - This is where the Fun comes


Lightning thief craze as said from WR.

Behind the scene - the man who did all the chores

PC (Perfect Couple)

End of Steamboat
Egg Rollz




Egg roll burglars?

Enjoy eating andddddddddddd

so gonna crush the bits onto the bed.

Gigantic Smile !

with that feet imprinted, feels like the face got stepped.

The -_- face behind the smiley mask

The Formal

And The Crazed
"Family" Portraits



and the Frozen Tiger in the middle ! LOL !
I continued the craze at CC's house after that, for card sessions, stayed over and slept for only 3 hours, went home to bathe and headed elsewhere again.
CNY Day 3
Cards @ SR's house this time, but only till the evening and had dinner. went home to do work after that for the whole time, took a 2 hour nap, and then stayed over at KKY's house tgt with Jason for games.
Played alot, slacked too much, deprived of sleep, and had irregular sleeping hours, and so now I'm blogging at a crazy timing, and I'm supposed to head to school in the morning in about 4-5 hours time, song bo.
so I would just like to blog about how I celebrate with my buddies instead, and because of that, I'm deprived of sleep totally.
CNY Day 1
Cards @ BH's house till midnight
CNY Day 2 - This is where the Fun comes


Lightning thief craze as said from WR.

Behind the scene - the man who did all the chores

PC (Perfect Couple)

End of Steamboat
Egg Rollz




Egg roll burglars?

Enjoy eating andddddddddddd

so gonna crush the bits onto the bed.

Gigantic Smile !

with that feet imprinted, feels like the face got stepped.

The -_- face behind the smiley mask

The Formal

And The Crazed
"Family" Portraits



and the Frozen Tiger in the middle ! LOL !
I continued the craze at CC's house after that, for card sessions, stayed over and slept for only 3 hours, went home to bathe and headed elsewhere again.
CNY Day 3
Cards @ SR's house this time, but only till the evening and had dinner. went home to do work after that for the whole time, took a 2 hour nap, and then stayed over at KKY's house tgt with Jason for games.
Played alot, slacked too much, deprived of sleep, and had irregular sleeping hours, and so now I'm blogging at a crazy timing, and I'm supposed to head to school in the morning in about 4-5 hours time, song bo.
Labels: Eating Out, Pictures, Special Occasion
Written on 4:54 AM
The Author
Kelvin Yeo's the name
I'm nothing extraordinary
But I hold my Pride high
Thus I don't really have a Good Personality
Adaptive to Everywhere I go
Not into Religious Matters
And I Love Annoying People
The Mirror-Effect Guy
(Attitude-Reflections Treatments)
Somehow, you wouldn't want to know me too much

Ancient Exits
Onion Tales
Picture Archives
CNY 2010
My 20th
YL's 21st
ECP Outing
KKY's 23rd
Picture Compilation
Blood Type
BH's 21st
Kids Bdays
Christmas Night
End of 2010
CNY 2011
iPhone & Razers
My 21st
P O P LO !!
Blu Tack Figurines
Siqi's 27th
2XU Compression 12KM Run
BH's 22nd
Jurong Lake 10KM Run
TianFang, Wanru & Zhenhong's Bdays